...the human body. Having a diet rich in essential fatty acids ensures good health as essential fatty acids (EFAs) help boost the immune system. Hempseed oil has the highest total EFAs of any seed oil – approximately 80%.
Hempseed is 30-35% oil and has the highest amount of essential fatty acids in any plant – 80% of total oil volume, and provides the perfect ratio of Omega-6 which is approximately 55% to Omega-3 which is approximately 18%, a 3:1 ratio. This ratio happens to be the exact ratio as recommended by health experts. Hempseed is unique in that it contains every EFA – including stearidonic acid (SDA) which is rare, and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) also called super Omega-6. Gammalinolenic (GLA) is helpful in treating dermatitis, arthritis, and premenstrual syndrome. Stearidonic acid (SDA) and gamma-linolenic (GLA) in conjunction can help treat symptoms of atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases.
Hempseed oil has 54.4% linolenic acid (Omega-6), 18.3% alpha-linoleic acid (Omega-3), 2-5% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and 1-2% stearidonic acid. Hempseeds are the only edible seeds that contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
The human body does not manufacture essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are by their very definition ‘essential’ as they cannot be produced by the body, therefore they must be procured through diet, to ensure proper growth and body function. These are very important compounds that must be included in our regular diet so as to maintain optimum health. Hemp happens to contain the planet’s best and most complete source of EFAs.
EFAs help the human body in a multitude of ways. They help organ muscles to contract, regulate stomach acid, maintain body temperature, regulate hormone levels, are essential to tissue growth, help regulate many internal functions, lower blood pressure and break down cholesterol, while boosting metabolism thereby aiding fat transportation. This makes consuming them critical. EFAs in hemp also improve brain function and are beneficial for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
EFAs boost the immune system to protect against viral infection which is particularly useful for patients suffering with cancer, HIV, and other immune disorders. By reinforcing the immune system, hemp foods can improve human health. Experts have found that a rich EFA diet represents one way to ensure that a person becomes and more importantly remains healthy.
Conditions which may be helped by EFAs include: addiction, atherosclerosis... |