How old is Pukka Press Limited?
The company was incorporated on Monday 23 May 2005. Where are you based?
Guildford, Surrey, England.
How do I know you won't keep my money and never send any products?
It is easy to verify our company exists. (We are company number 03440500.) Additionally, if we did not send goods, the news would spread quickly and we would end up without a business, which after all the hard work we've put into it, would be ridiculous. Also one of the main reasons that we put our business on the web is to provide the good, honest and efficient service that our customers deserve. Too many companies offer a poor service.
What is the fastest method of payment?
Online credit card payment and E-Gold.Com transfer are the fastest because payment is instant and can be performed from your computer. If you want the fastest service, please pay by depositing money directly into our bank account. Or call us to pay via credit/debit card over the phone.
What about security when I pay by credit card?

We use the latest SSL technology combined with PGP encryption to ensure your details are safe. We also use AVS [Address Verification System] anti-fraud technology to protect ourselves and the public.
What is Pukka Press prefered method of payment?
We prefer payment by cheque, bank transfer, cash (registered or special delivery only) or postal orders. Online payment options incur a surcharge to the merchant (which we absorb). Therefore, we are able to provide a better and more discreet service if you pay via cheque, cash or postal order.
Additionally, if you are paying by cheque or bankers' draft, we do not dispatch goods until payment is confirmed. We would prefer to send goods immediately, but we have experienced an unacceptable level of fraudulent orders. We apologise in advance to our genuine customers.
Which Credit/Debit Cards do you accept?
We accept to following cards:

I live outside the U.K. Do you export to my country?
We sell to any country. We even charge you the same shipping costs as if you were based in the U.K.
How soon will my goods be sent?
Your goods will be sent within 24 hours of us receiving your cleared payment. Payment by cash, postal orders and bank transfer usually implies immediate dispatch. (Internet orders payed by credit card are subject to third party processing and approval.) Orders received by 2:00PM (14:00) are usually dispatched before the close of business at 5:00PM (17:00). Orders received on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are usually dispatched before the end of the next working day.
All of our mail ordered and Internet ordered goods are sent via the most rapid courier/postal delivery service available. For customers in the UK, this means next working day delivery. (Most courier companies exclude Saturday as a working day).
What is your refund policy?
If you are unhappy with the book please send it back within 14 days for a full refund. Our address is:
Pukka Press, 8 Martyr Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LF, England.
What is your after sales service like?
We have second to none after sales customer services.
Do you keep my name and address? Do you sell my name and address to other organisations?
When you order, we do not keep your name and address unless you pay by credit card, in which case we are obliged to keep your details for the purpose of resolving tax and financial queries for a period of six years. This applies to all credit card payments made to all companies. After purchasing goods, we may keep your details for a few days, until it is safe to assume you received your order satisfactorily - then your personal information is destroyed.
The procedure for this is as follows:
Your contact information on the official order form is blanked with a thick, black, marker pen. This is then photocopied to ensure that the original pen markings and / or ink cannot be recovered. All other documents and envelopes are incinerated and destroyed. All personal information on the order form is now destroyed. The (anonymous, copied) order form is archived for tax purposes and this is also incinerated at the earliest opportunity.
In recent years it has come to our knowledge that some people use this equipment and information on the subject of hydroponics for illegal activities. Therefore, Pukka Press Limited, the staff of Pukka Press Limited and Jeffery Winterborne do not advocate breaking the law, nor is this Publication, CD-ROM or Web Site intended to encourage or promote the use of illegal substances or activities.