It can be stated as fact that more time, money and effort have been spent on the trials, studies, and experiments to discredit cannabis than any other known plant material!
And what are the findings? Flaky, flimsy, fringe statements that might or might not be conceived as a health risk based on even more shaky suppositions!
In plain English, the money they have spent trying to denounce this plant, the volume of time that has been allocated for this purpose, the quantity of trials dedicated to this pursuit, has in effect yielded nothing of any consequence!
In fact the true conclusion is that they have indirectly and collectively given cannabis a clean bill of health. With regard to the negative effects of cannabis; if all that they can come up with is a lot less concerning than the down sides of aspirin, then indeed cannabis should be hailed as the great medicinal plant that it truly is…. If you spend enough time and money you can discredit almost anything. This has not been the case with cannabis. Simply put, the truth can never be suppressed.
“Let us declare Nature as legitimate. All plants should be declared legal. The notion of illegal plants in a civilised society is obnoxious, ridiculous and absurd.” |